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WASHINGTON - Rep. Michele Bachmann riled Democrats during Friday's GOP drilling revolt on the House floor, saying the Democratic-controlled Congress is "the only thing keeping us from having a robust economy."

Her remarks came during the two-week-long protest on the empty House floor by Republicans demanding that Congress vote on a bill to allow drilling in currently restricted offshore areas as gas hovers near $4 a gallon.

Democrats fired back, faulting Bachmann for voting against a bill largely supported by Democrats that would have encouraged oil companies to drill on land they are already leasing.

"If she was serious about doing something about gas prices, she would have voted for the Drill Act and cracking down on speculators rather than participating in election year theatrics in Washington," said Carrie James, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

More than 110 Republicans have kept a daily presence on the House floor, demanding that Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., call Congress back into session during its five-week recess to vote on an energy bill that includes additional drilling. Eleven other members joined Bachmann on the floor Friday.

The daily activities in the dimmed House have been criticized by Democrats, who have accused the Republicans of staging an "Olympics of meaningless rhetoric" while ignoring constituents in their districts.

Elwyn Tinklenberg, Bachmann's Democratic opponent in the Sixth District, has said that while the Republicans tout an "all of the above" approach, their continuing and primary focus is drilling for American oil.