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It's not really an application, but the lines between apps and Things Floating Above Us in the Web Cloud are blurring daily. It's called Posterous, and it might seem like the last thing the world needs - a new blogging platform! Yes, something to while alway the nanoseconds between tweets. But. This one has simplicity and ubiquitous access. You send an email, it shows up on your page. That's it. You can send pictures, Mp3s, links, whatever you wish. It recognizes where your email's coming from, and up it goes. I tried it on my jaunt up Highway Ten; the results are here. Some of those were sent from the far reaches of Minnesota, where the blazing speed of the Edge network was but a dream of starry-eyed futurists.

I had problems getting things to post at first - some ended up on a new page, others attached to my original account. There was an option to merge the accounts, but it didn't seem to work. Sent an email, and got a response in five minutes - seems the iPhone was using, whereas the laptop was using the old name for the service, That highlights another feature - you can specify many email addresses as the origin for your page, and they'll all go to the right spot. You can even have collaborators, so groups of family members and/or friends can chip in. Document a trip with your cell phone as you go along, so Grandma can enjoy from her home, or burglars can judge how much time they have to loot your house. "("Take your time, Leggs - their most recent post was the Corn Palace an hour ago. We got all day.")

Of course, it's free. Heaven forbid anyone should charge for anything. A premium service will be rolled out eventually, although I don't know what more they could add. Or should: the simplicity of it all seems perfect. Head over to to sign up, and revel in Step 1: There's no sign-up. Congrats to the people who came up with this - and thanks!