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A prominent Minnesota anti-abortion group endorsed U.S. Rep. Jim Oberstar's GOP challenger Chip Cravaack Tuesday, potentially threatening some of the 18-term congressman's support in a district that traditionally opposes abortion rights.

The Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life had endorsed Oberstar in many past elections, but not in 2008.

A news release announcing their endorsement of Cravaack cited Oberstar's vote for the health care bill as a primary reason for their endorsement.

MCCL and Cravaack argue that the bill allows for federal funding of abortions, though Oberstar says the proper legislative protections are in place to ensure that does not happen.

MCCL executive director Scott Fischbach didn't mince words in a statement.

"Just as Jim Oberstar has abandoned the babies, it is time for the voters to retire Jim Oberstar," Fischbach said.