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Dear Representative Bachmann:

I can't believe the criticism you are receiving for a few misstatements and an exaggeration here or there. This is, after all, part of your charm that you have used so effectively to win over Minnesota's Sixth Congressional District. You don't let a little thing like the facts get in the way of a campaign. Now, the press, your opponents and even the voters, seem to think that you should be more prudent in your comments and even better informed on the issues – just because you are running for the presidency. I say pish! Just keep being the same Michele Bachmann that we have known and loved for the past decade you've spent in elected office and your presidential campaign will go just the way it should. I mean, does it really matter that the "shot heard round the world" that started the American Revolution was in Massachusetts, not New Hampshire, as you told a crowd in the Granite State earlier this year? Most Americans couldn't find the state of New Hampshire if you gave them a map and a magnifying glass anyway. Who cares that Waterloo, Iowa is where serial killer John Wayne Gacy lived for a time, not the popular actor, John Wayne. Hey, if John Wayne were still alive he probably would have donned a red nose and portrayed the "Killer Clown" in an Oscar-worthy film. You were probably just doing creative casting in that beautiful head of yours. Speaking of beautiful people, remember late last year when you went toe-to-toe with Anderson Cooper on CNN over President Obama's trip to India? You told a grateful nation that Obama's trip would cost taxpayers $200 million a day and that his entourage had booked 870 "five-star hotel rooms." Okay, so that turned out not to be true, but you showed your fiscal acumen earlier this year when you voted against raising the debt ceiling, a measure that staved off the U.S. defaulting on debt for the first time. Good for you. Last week, in a debate with your Republican presidential peers, you landed a jab against front runner Governor Rick Perry, questioning his decision to mandate the vaccination of Texas girls against human papillomavirus, a cause of cervical cancer. Who knew that your off-the-cuff comment about the vaccine causing mental retardation would be so upsetting to the medical profession who adamantly claim that your statement is false and irresponsible? Be that as it may, it got you on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno. Keep going, Representative Bachmann. Don't worry about an occasional flub, or an inaccurate statement. The longer you are in this campaign the more the country gets to know you. No doubt, the electorate getting to know you better will be reflected in how they vote.