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How does one get into Craft Beer? This is a question that many people seem to ask and with good reason. The market has been dominated by "the big 3" (Miller, Coors, and Budweiser) for the past 78 years largely due to a market of consumers who wanted a lighter beer with less calories. Unfortunately these beers lack flavor and offer minimal variety. The good news is that now you have a choice and Minnesota is a great place to live if you enjoy beer. The Craft Beer scene here is growing at a rapid pace and it shows by the choices we have on the shelves of our local liquor stores. Beer can be made many different ways but the basic ingredients are malted grains (such as barley, oats or rye), hops (flowers) and yeast. All of these ingredients contribute to the flavor of the beer and the malt is primarily what is responsible for the color. A big misconception is that darker beers are "bitter" or contain more hops than pale varieties. Often times the opposite is true but the rule of thumb is to never judge a beer by looks alone. Despite popular belief you don't have to be a "hophead" to enjoy Craft Beer. There are many varieties and flavors of beer so do not be scared off by people who assume that all Craft Beers are packed with hops. Here are some local beers that should help you get started on your Craft Beer adventure. Schells FireBrick Lager: This colorful brew is a great introductory beer because of the mild presence of hops that balance nicely with the slightly sweet malt. This beer is easy to drink yet has much more flavor than your typical Lager. It should be noted that Schells has been concocting world class beers for 151 years and it is the second oldest family brewery in the country. Lift Bridge Farm Girl Saison: The ultimate summer beer, Farm Girl offers a bouquet of flavors and is refreshing on a warm summer day. The Belgian yeast strain is what gives this beer its character and contributes to its flavor. This is great choice for those who are not yet ready to make the jump into hop-heavy beers. Schells Hefeweizen: Available in July, this beer comes just in time for hot summer days. The notorious clove and banana flavors come alive in this traditional German-style beer. This style is very drinkable and tends to be lower in alcohol so you can enjoy a few of them without tipping over. Summit Extra Pale Ale: This is the local beer that has introduced many people to the Craft Beer world. It turns up the hop dial a little without overdoing it and it pairs well with all kinds of food. True to style, Summit EPA exemplifies what a traditional Pale Ale should look and taste like. Summit created EPA as their flagship beer in 1986 and 25 years later they are celebrating that success. These recommendations are of course all local and there are many beers that come here from all over the country. The reason for the focus on local beer is that fresh beer is usually the best beer. For the best flavor, beer should be consumed within 6 months of being brewed and much like food, it has a shelf life. The freshest beer you can get comes from a local brewery or brewpub (more on these in a later post). Minnesota has many great liquor stores that carry a wide variety of all of these beers. Here are some liquor store recommendations but do not feel limited to these. Check out your neighborhood liquor store as well, and if they don't carry a good selection of Craft Beers ask them why. Often store owners don't realize there is a demand for something until customers start asking for it. Four Firkins: This is Minnesota's own beer Mecca, if you will. Chances are that if you can't find what you are looking for at a typical liquor store, then you will find it here. This store is so dedicated to beer that the entire store is kept cold and the lights have UV filters over them so that the beer will not be affected by light. The staff is very informative and friendly and they are not afraid to dish out some samples. They are located in St. Louis Park and are in the process of moving to a larger space. Surdyk's: Located in North East Minneapolis this gem of a store is known for wine but has a great selection of Craft Beer as well. The staff here is very helpful and they will even load up your car for you! The Ale Jail: If you are looking for beer and you live in St. Paul, this should be your destination. A fantastic selection of beer and a great staff that is willing to help you find anything. The website even helps you pair beer with food! The most important things to remember are to have fun in your adventure and not to limit yourself. You can travel the entire world and not taste all the beer that is out there. You will find that some of the best beers you will taste will be fermenting in your neighbor's basement or drawn from a cask at your local brewpub. Keep an open mind and do not be afraid to try something based on looks. Also don't forget to include your friends in the experience. Beer is a social libation and the best way to enjoy it is among friends and family. Cheers!