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Hoigaard's new ad campaign has got something for the hockey mom who doesn't like being compared to a pit bull.

A variety of hockey mom types will be featured in a new billboard campaign from Chris Birt, of A/B Geist. The first installment shows two women, dressed for the cold and lounging provocatively on a snow hill, with an eyebrow-raising tag line: "From Ski Bunnies to Hockey Moms."

Hoigaard prez Todd Brewer has heard from hockey moms who'd rather not be compared to pit bulls. After seeing Birt's billboard, which was first posted on Geist.Groovyman.com and Facebook, Brewer said, "We've had a few people who called and said What's the deal? Once we've explained that what we are saying is that there are a variety of people out there and if there's a hockey mom who wants to find her inner ski bunny, we're the place to do it," the callers get it.

"Initially, because of the whole 'pit bull with lipstick' comment, hockey moms in general are a little uptight" about how they're defined.

As you may remember, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin drew that line of distinction that was ultimately a comparison between hockey moms and pit bulls while in St. Paul at the Republican National Convention accepting her place on the 2008 ticket.

When Birt posted the ad on websites, people who commented had two concerns. "What they want is diversity in school colors, first, and the hockey moms themselves, second. They want to make sure it's left and right and all different colors and races," said Birt.

He's also fielded this question: Is a hockey mom a ski bunny?

Birt's answer: "I think there is a little ski bunny in every woman, because I'm a skier."

Has anybody thought this was sexist yet? "No, I haven't heard too much from them," he laughed. "That's up to your readers."

Dr. Laura's gaffe "Huge news. Dr. Laura is going to quarterback the Minnesota Vikings. Her offensive line is not going to like the way she calls plays," Joel McHale said in opening another episode of "The Soup" on E! TV.

Continuing, McHale said, "Dr. Laura Schlessinger stopped by 'Larry King Live' to explain why she was quitting radio after using the n-word 11 times in a conversation with a black woman on her radio [program]. She chose Larry's show because he's an icon in the black community. She is very in touch with it as well."

Then McHale played a clip where Dr. Laura used the street phrase "my peeps" and street term "dissing" while explaining her mistake.

McHale's reaction to Dr. Laura's explanation: "No, no, you made your point, Chuck D." He's the rapper and member of Public Enemy whom Wikipedia says gets partial credit for socially and politically conscious rap music.

Dr. Laura's cringe-worthy attempts at hipness are an answer to a question NPR's brilliant Michele Martin scornfully asked on CNN's "Reliable Sources": "In what other area of life is [Dr. L] taking direction from black comics on HBO?"

I've been taking some Dr. Laura heat from one of the people for whom I've bought copies of her books. My nephew called from D.C. to rib me: "Dr. Laura. She's your girl, right?"

Yes, but she's on probation, and she never would have stuck her foot so far off into her mouth were she a real friend of mine, Martin's or McHale's.

My take on Dr. Laura's gaffe is posted at www.tinyurl.com/2a7d6os, and what you should take away from it is this: While some people have the latitude to use the n-word, I'm not suggesting anybody do so. But I know WHO HAD BETTER NOT be caught using it. May Dr. Laura's son fall madly in love with a woman with melanin.

Rodman's cravings While on the rooftop at Stella's Fish Cafe, Dennis Rodman seemed relatively sleepy compared to how he reportedly behaved when he took his act across the street to Uptown Cafeteria's Sky Bar.

The NBA rebounder of renown, who claimed to me that he was drinking Shirley Temples at Stella's, was overheard asking for Ambhar tequila at Sky Bar. He was told that sister property Chino Latino, which is in the next block, had all tequilas. No, I want to stay here, said Rodman, gesturing to the fans flocking around him. Look, I'm going to bring you a lot of business. Get me the damn tequila!

And somebody at Sky Bar went across the street to get the damn tequila.

Kip Clayton, Parasole Restaurant Holdings marketing guy, said Wednesday, "I assume it's accurate. The training we give our people is if somebody has audacious requests and you have to go down the street to take care of it, go for it."

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or cj@startribune.com. E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.