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Just assume it's going to rain unless you hear otherwise. After the wettest April through June on record for Minnesota, perhaps local TV meteorologists should interrupt your favorite program only if the sun is out and winds are blowing less than 30 mph? The Twin Cities office of the National Weather Service should issue "blue sky watches" and sound the sirens only when it's safe to leave our homes? Instagram-worthy "sunset warnings"? On second thought, these are bad ideas.

California braces for record heat, and I'm still blown away by the 161-mph wind gust on the Caribbean island of Granada from Hurricane Beryl, the strongest Atlantic hurricane to ever form so early in the season. It promises to be a relentless hurricane season.

Showers stay mainly south of MSP on Tuesday, and we salvage a dry Wednesday with low 80s. A few storms may flare up in time for Thursday night fireworks, with showers spilling into Friday. A so-so holiday weekend is on tap, with mainly late evening showers and thunderstorms. Surprised by this? Me, neither.