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In this year of anti-incumbent fervor, congressional challengers are running not just against their opponents but against both parties.

In his first television ad, Democrat Mike Obermueller, running against Republican U.S. Rep. John Kline in the south suburban Second District, proclaimed "Both parties are to blame."

"Democrats don't want to cut wasteful spending and Republicans are just as wasteful when they want more tax breaks for millionaires," Obermueller said in the ad, which compares Washington to a pizza parlor, overstaffed with stuffed suits.

Republican U.S. Senate challenger Kurt Bills has also long had the pox on both their houses mantra.

"This election is not about Republicans vs Democrats, it's about America vs. Washington DC," he has repeated in appearances as he runs against Democratic U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

Here's the Obermueller ad, which started running on Twin Cities television today. The campaign spent about $150,000 to run it and has reserved time through Election Day. Kline has significantly more time on reserve and could start running ads as soon as today.