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North Minneapolis residents will be able to claim 225 trees offered by the Tree Trust and Wells Fargo to help fill remaining shade gaps left by the 2011 tornado.

Residents won't even have to plant the trees themselves -- that will be done by Tree Trust crews and Wells Fargo volunteers. But they will have to attend one of three workshops in August to learn how to keep the tree healthy.

The giveaway is limited to two trees per resident.

Trees being offered are Whitespire Birch Clump, Ivory Silk Japanese Lilac, Matador Maple, Skyline Honeylocust and Princeton Elm. Princeton Elm has been shown to be resistant to the fungus that killed many of the elms that lined American urban streets a generation ago.

The program is being funded by Wells Fargo and the Tree Trust's Rob MacIntyre Fund, which honors a man who died while helping a neighbor clean up tree damage after the tornado.

Tree Trust spokeswoman Christine Lee said the organization is working on a fund to provide trees to cover losses in the June 21 storm, which destroyed another several thousand trees on public and private property in Minneapolis alone.