Renovation of the Minnesota

State Capitol

State Capitol
St. Paul


For the past three years, the Minnesota State Capitol has been undergoing a massive, $310 million renovation. Visitors to the 1905 building will be able to see the repaired marble, restored murals and reclaimed skylights, but many of the improvements — including mechanical and safety systems — won't be visible. The reopening celebration includes morning yoga on the Capitol lawn, cocktails on the loggia and a Prince dance party.

Restoration by the numbers

750,000Pounds of new ductwork in the Capitol building.

30,000Marble pieces marked and cataloged.

40,000New square footage of public gathering space, doubling the space before the restoration began.

300Average number of workers on site during renovation.

11/14Restrooms before and after the restoration.

800Tons of white marble used, quarried from the same county in Georgia as in 1905.

Sources: HGA Architects and Engineers, Minnesota Department of Administration, Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota State Capitol Restoration Project, Page Conservation Inc.