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I am rereading Patrick O'Brian's Au­brey/Maturin se­ries of life dur­ing the Na­po­le­on­ic Wars. The sto­ry takes place in Great Brit­ain and other areas through­out the world. I have learn­ed so much about life on land along with life at sea dur­ing that time. Plenty of nau­ti­cal terms for a land­lub­ber and words used in ev­er­y­day life, so I bought "The Sea of Words" by Dean King for as­sist­ance. His­tori­cal fic­tion at its fin­est.

Ma­rie Aguirre, St. Paul

Qua­ran­tine Reads are recommendations of sooth­ing books in these fraught times. Send your sug­ges­tions, with your name and city, to