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"I think at its core that is what all of our films are about. To create an awareness of what's happening here in our state. And done through this cool, engaging vehicle. … It's been fun to share this amazing thing with people. There is a lot of pride in that — look at these elite athletes coming to Minnesota from around the world to do this in our back yard. I think a lot of people are excited about that. They stand a little taller. Like 'hey, we've got something pretty cool going on here that we should be proud of.' "

Film director/producer Brenda Piekarski, on "Among the Wild: The Arrowhead 135." The documentary focuses on three competitors in the 2013 extreme winter endurance race in the remote wilds between International Falls, Minn., and Tower. As she scouted for filming locations, Piekarski said she encountered residents who until then were unaware of the race and its global following. The film will be screened at 7 p.m. March 5 at the Lagoon Cinema in Minneapolis. For tickets, go online to and click on "screenings." Adventure Minnesota Films has plans for a series of short films documenting Minnesotans and their outdoors endeavors.

Bob Timmons