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Job: I am a small-business owner. I do financial services, human resources consulting, project management consulting and modeling.

Annual earnings: Between $200,000 and $250,000 a year.

Education: Bachelor's degree from St. Cloud State University in human resources management.

Dream job: Exactly what I am doing right now.

How did you get your job? In 2002 I lost my job for the second time. I was at $42,000 and then being on unemployment I dropped to about $30,000 a year. I basically made the decision that I was tired of losing my job and having someone determine my income level. I wanted more out of life. I started my own business and I worked really hard and I networked -- and five years later I am making great money.

Last major purchase: I would say my BMW 530i. It was used and it was about $25,000 ... and I drive it way too fast.

Next major purchase: My own office. It's going to be in Oakdale and it's in the process of being built.

Smart money: Pay myself first. When I get paid I always pay myself through investments and my retirement first and foremost before I pay my bills.

Stupid money: I regret that when I was an employee that I didn't have a plan or an emergency fund to prepare me for loss of the job.

Describe the change you've made financially in the last five years: Financial changes include investing in myself, my own personal growth and investing money in my future vs. just spending it. I used to spend without really thinking about things for the future.

Investments/savings plans: I started with having an emergency fund and then I have a short-term investment plan ... and a long term investment plan.

Thrifty tricks: I just think three times before I purchase anything, and then I try to look for the best deal I can find.

Best financial/career advice you've received from someone else: Sometimes you have to go backward in order to go forward.

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? I would take a portion of it and invest it back in my business, and I would take another portion and donate it to cancer charities.

Money or happiness? Happiness. Money is just a tool. If you follow what you love and you are a happy person, the money will come.

What are your living arrangements? I am a single homeowner. I have a cat named Apollo. He rules the house, and I follow his lead.