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Star Tribune researcher John Wareham sent us a fantastic story he came across from 1981 — a Gary Smith "Inside Sports" profile of former Vikings quarterback Tommy Kramer. There is so much goodness contained within it (we only have it on a grainy PDF or else we would share the whole thing), including the following passage:

"Where you from?" asks Tommy Kramer.

"Delaware," says his visitor.

"Where's that?"

"Just below Pennsylvania."

"I mean, is it a city or a state?"

"A state. The second-smallest state."

"Never heard of it. What's the smallest?"

"Rhode Island."

"Oh. Let's go eat. I'm hungry as a mother. Red Lobster, for the seafood lover in me."

The best parts, though, are all the references to Kramer's wagering. He would bet on anything (friendly, of course), and Smith focused on it in the article — so much so that it got Kramer into trouble with the league. Kind of. Sort of. We've posted below a Chicago Tribune story (click to enlarge) about a bet Kramer made with a bartender that was referenced in the Smith story.

The Minneapolis Star notified the league. The league called the Vikings. And then the league took no further action.

Just imagine. What a world to live in.