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As a proud citizen and dog lover, I had eagerly anticipated the choice that the Obamas would make for an addition to their family. Bo Obama's position as the First Dog has introduced the Portuguese water dog to the world. As I read "The problem with puppy love" (Opinion Exchange, April 24), I connected with Wayne Pacelle's disappointment with their choice of a dog that did not come from a shelter.

The pet industry will capitalize on the novelty of this breed. Puppy mills covet dogs that will bring in high amounts, and with a $2,000 price tag Bo's breed is too much of an incentive for breeders, who will make every effort to produce massive numbers of dogs. To save costs, dogs are often kept in horrible conditions and suffer. Purchasing animals from commercial breeders or pet shops keeps this industry in business.

My dog Daisy was one of them. It has been heartbreaking to see the lasting impressions of her young life. Arriving in my home she would tremble at my touch, run in fear at the slightest noise and not even be able to eat without looking terrified. In three years she has made so much progress. Adopting dogs from rescue groups has been such a rewarding experience, because in addition to the love and loyalty that a dog gives, it also prevents funding puppy mills. When choosing a dog, please seek out a shelter, rescue group or responsible breeder.