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Spinsterhood Specter Fades
Under New Insurance Plan

University Girl Evolves Idea For Consoling Unmated as Years Roll By.

College Women Regarded Poor Risks and Would Pay Higher Premiums.

Bachelors may now "bach" until Kingdom Come, and naught be the care of the aging maiden!

For now comes Miss Rose Feigelman, University of Minnesota co-ed and life insurance saleswoman, with a new idea to console the feminine heart and mind which finds itself living in single blessedness as the years pass onward.

It is "Matrimonial Risk Insurance."

Rose Feigelman Under this plan it would be possible for fond parents to insure their daughters at birth and be happy in the realization that when the daughter reaches the age of 35 and is still unmarried, she will be paid $10,000 by the insurance company. The plan is still in embryo, Miss Feigelman said, but "it's nearing practicality."

There is now life insurance, accident insurance, health insurance, insurance against business loss, almost every conceivable sort of insurance, and so, why not matrimonial risk insurance? That's the query of this young co-ed and distributor of life insurance policies! It's the plan which, she says, would make every woman's outlook upon life one of high optimism as year after year passes and no man looms on the horizon.

"Well, now," she was asked by one of her "prospects," who was told the plan, "supposing an applicant were not so – er – good looking? Would you impose a higher premium? Or don't looks make any difference?"

"That has not yet been worked out," came the answer with a smile. "But I doubt it there would be any difference."

"Risks would be regarded as nearly equal for any two women then?"

"University women will have to pay a higher premium, they're a poor risk when it comes to matrimony, so small a percentage of them marry, they get too particular and independent," she answered quickly.

"Are you a – oh, a poor risk?"

"Maybe," and she smiled quizzically.

Miss Feigelman is a senior at the university. When the vacation periods come she sells life insurance.

"Some people think it's strange that a girl should sell life insurance," she continued. "They think I ought to be a stenographer or a clerk in a department store or something, but I differ with them."

Miss Feigelman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feigelman, 1028 Newton avenue north.