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Are you a Post-it note champion, dependent on shreds of paper and junk-mail envelopes for your to-do lists and appointments? Ditch the clutter and pick up a can of chalkboard paint. With this type of paint, you can get a beautiful chalkboard wall or door that will help you consolidate your thoughts and activities in a more attractive way. Here are five great ideas to get you started:

1. Wall calendars

Wall calendars let you keep track of appointments, leave fun messages and reminders, and jot down quick grocery lists that you can snap photos of on your way to the store. If you have kids, you can use fun drawings on your calendar to keep track of upcoming play dates, sleepovers, soccer matches and parent nights.

2. Pantry door grocery lists

Paint the inside or outside of your pantry door with chalk paint to help you keep track of your groceries — what you have, what you need and what you want. Having access to this immediate, shared list will ensure that you don't forget anything when it's time to go shopping. Plus, painting an interior door costs only $50 to $200.

3. Kid-proof tables

Paint a chalkboard surface on a thrift store table or a low-cost option from Ikea. You'll save on construction paper — and fridge space — if you encourage your kids to draw right on the surface. Just be sure to remind them that your neighbors' tables aren't so chalk-friendly.

4. Chalkboard cabinets

You know where everything is in your kitchen, but it can be difficult to navigate for others. Give your family and guests a road map with chalked-on labels for silverware, Tupperware, coffee mugs and dinner plates. You'll be able to keep track of what's in each place, entrust dishwasher duty to others, and scribble impromptu lists as you go.

5. Interactive art

An entire chalkboard wall is a great way to inspire the inner artist in your child (or adult friends). If your home design won't mesh well with such a feature, choose a wall that won't affect your home's overall decor. Garages, your child's room or a spare bedroom are prime out-of-sight locations. If a chalkboard wall fits into your theme, such as a modern farmhouse and rustic industrial design, consider incorporating it as a central fixture in your kitchen or living room. You'll have a surface you can change with your mood, the season and your needs.